
Welcome to the Earth Month Sustainability Staff Challenge!

What is the Earth Month Staff Challenge? Why are we doing this?
The Earth Month Staff Challenge invites NPS and Parks Conservancy staff to join forces to create meaningful and long-lasting improvements in our sustainable practices, both at home and at work. The staff challenge is intended as a fun and encouraging way to share what we are already doing to reduce our environmental footprint and learn new ways to make sustainable life choices, both individually and collectively. This Staff Challenge also fits with the goals set forth in GOGA’s Climate Change Action Plan which calls for increasing climate change education and encouraging park staff to undertake actions on climate change solutions..

Weekly Themes
Each week in April (Earth Month), your park’s Green Team will provide a focused theme and a list of suggested actions related to that theme. Or, be creative and come up with your own actions! You get to record your activities (online or printable form) to earn points for a raffle with prizes. Do as many actions daily/weekly as you want to earn more points - each recorded activity will earn you one point.  The actions you and your colleagues take will improve the overall sustainability practices of the park and get us closer to our goal of 80% participation. If we meet that goal, the Green Team will host a get-together to celebrate our achievements.

Participants’ efforts will be recognized in a number of ways. The participants with most number of points will win 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes at the end of the month. In addition, everyone who submits an entry will be entered into a drawing to receive additional prizes. Other activities that will be recognized are:
- Doing an activity for their first time
-The most ‘’creative’’ activity

If park staff meet the goal of 80% participation, a celebration gathering will be held for everyone who participated.