Earth Month Staff Challenge - The Results are In!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Earth Month Staff Challenge. We had 84 individuals between NPS and the Parks Conservancy submit 281 different entries!

Check out the list of entries to see what your coworkers are saying. Many of the submittals had common themes, so in some cases we have condensed the entries to show the variety of ideas. Our park’s Green Team will look over the list of suggestions and see if we can implement any of these ideas in the coming years.

We also awarded prizes for most participation and held a raffle with everyone who participated. Here are our winners!

Dan Kuja - #1 Participant
Amy Hoke - #2 Participant
Tania Pollak - #3 Participant

 Raffle Winners:

Matt Keene
George Durgerian
Rita Morris

Finally, we don’t want this to be the end of the conversation. Feel free to visit our Earth Month Blog any time to learn more about the resources we presented.

And reach out to any member of the Green Team if you have any ideas for future efforts!

Laura Castellini, Chair, Environmental and Safety Programs Office
Sara Hammond, Environmental and Safety Programs Office
Tony Di Stefano, Environmental and Safety Programs Office
Amanita Cornejo, Environmental and Safety Programs Office
Stef Martin, Business Management Division
Amy Hoke, Cultural resources
Tania Pollak, Planning
Alison Forrestel, Natural Resources
Jesse Fritts, Project Management
Chris Rodriguez, Facilities
Skye Thompson, Facilities
Will Elder, Interpretation and Education
Miguel Dimas, Interpretation and Education
Mary Jo Murphy, Contracting
Michela Gentile, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy rep